recap of a good day


I had lunch with my dear bf Tiffany and her cutie-pie son.

He allowed me to snap some of these shots in between bites.


just precious

IMG_5177 I’m so glad I get to be a part of his life

IMG_5183 and I hope he keeps those Michelin-man fingers forever.


After my lunch date Chris and I headed down to our favorite nearby park (shared in this post) for the Chesapeake Jubilee, an annual event in these here parts. We decided to walk the 2 miles to the park because we knew traffic would be ridiculous. Sorry for so many photos – I brought my camera along for the fun…and also for something to do, because you won’t ever ever find me standing in line for one of those rides. gives me the heebie-jeebies.IMG_5271IMG_5198

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If you’ve never had a deep-fried oreo (or twinky, snickers, pickle, cheese, or butter – yes, deep fried butter was on one menu) then you’ ve never been properly welcomed to the south!IMG_5199IMG_5217

Amazing local BBQ, Wood Chicks, which beat Bobby Flay on his own show!IMG_5213


Yummy food everywhere you turn.




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Caramel apple…one of my most favorite things.




hog calling


After we had endured enough of the festivities (and my hair had expanded to its usual unruly lion’s mane) we headed back to our place to get settled before the fireworks. We were too tired of the crowd to watch the fireworks from the Jubilee, so we hatched this grand plan that involved climbing on our roof from our second story window. We knew we were close enough that we would be able to see them. There was only one small detail of this plan that I didn’t account for….a GIANT tree directly between the fireworks and our rooftop. Dagger!


It was still a fun adventure. and pretty romantic. I loved sitting up above the world.

I also had a really difficult time trying to get good shots of fireworks (which require a long shutter speed) because I don’t have a tripod. IMG_5317


It was fun, but Baxter did not like us being out on the roof. He was very anxious the whole time we were on the roof and was very happy to see us climb back in the window.


Birthday Schmirthday

So my birthday snuck up on me this year. I guess after 26 of them, they begin to become not so special. For some reason this one made me a little panicky.

Now, I’m sure a billion of you out there (I have a billion followers, right?) are rolling your eyes at me right now, but this is my blog so I can vent if I want to. and it’s my birthday, so I can cry if I want to, as well.

I liked 25. It still felt ‘young’. I think that has to do with the fact that I was still a ‘college’ student. In graduate school there was no husband, no mortgage, no career…but I didn’t feel rushed and things really didn’t feel much different from any of my other 20’s years.

Then 26 came along. I’m not sure why but  ‘almost 30, almost 30, almost 30’  was streaming through my head the entire week. What?! How did that happen? I swear I was just 21 last year?! I blame it on the eternity of schooling that I subjected myself to. Maybe it was the fact that a whole plethora of ‘life-changing’ events took place between 25 and 26? I graduated with my masters, started my career as a speech therapist, planned and executed an almost completely DIY wedding (with the aid of awesome family and friends), bought a house, and moved….all within 6 months.

The day of my birthday, I’ll be honest, I was bummed.  My perspective on that day was that the only thing I had really accomplished in life at that point was completing 20 years of school. Yowza. But even now, just listing the big events that happened last year, I know I have accomplished way more than just 20 years of school.

Sometimes I feel like God probably laughs at my narrow minded, ‘blinders-on’ way of looking at things with my simple ‘human’ perspective, and He is probably saddened when my worrying begins to consume me and my plans for myself interfere with His plans for me.

How could I ever think that my plans are or could ever be more perfect and awesome than God’s plans for me?


I thought I had familiarized myself all of the ‘anit-worrying’ verses in the bible (can you tell this is an issue I typically face?), but a little while ago I came across this one in Jeremiah. God said:

“Cursed is the strong one
   who depends on mere humans,
Who thinks he can make it on muscle alone
   and sets God aside as dead weight.
He’s like a tumbleweed on the prairie,
   out of touch with the good earth.
He lives rootless and aimless
   in a land where nothing grows.

But blessed is the man who trusts me, God,
   and the woman who sticks with God.
They’re like trees replanted in Eden,
   putting down roots near the rivers—
Never a worry through the hottest of summers,
   never dropping a leaf,
Serene and calm through droughts,
   bearing fresh fruit every season”.

– Jeremiah 17:5-8 –

Wow. I feel like that was absolutely written for me. How silly are we to think that we can do things, and hope to do even greater things, on our own and without God. All we have is from God. All we are is from God. My worrying is pointless, though I don’t think God ignores my worries. God does care about them, but what my hopes are for my future pale in comparison to what God can provide me with. Instead of trying to make it on ‘muscle alone…’ by setting “…God aside as a dead weight…’, why not trust him?! Simple, no?


Whew…it felt good to get all of that out.

Now, moving on. Let’s review the birthday festivities in photos, because that’s way more fun than a bunch of words.

Chris took me to get sushi the day before my birthday because I was craving it…and also we both had rough days at work so felt that somehow we deserved uncooked sea creatures.

I’m not sure what face I’m making here…I don’t remember tasting anything bad. Maybe this is a ‘please don’t take that picture’ face? not sure.




Then we went to dinner with a few friends. Again, we had sushi. I don’t know if it is unhealthy to have it 2x in a week, but I figure some people in other countries eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of their life….so it can’t be too detrimental.

Chris tried to get a photo of my friend Kari (1st time sushi adventurer) and myself…and, as you can see below, he will never again be the one asked to take the pictures.


IMG_4978 finally, a sort-of acceptable one…except the lighting in the restaurant was very dim and…um, red-ish.  IMG_4987

Some sweet girls from a small group that I help lead made me these amazing cupcakes.


My mom hosted a birthday dinner at she and my dad’s house on Saturday. It turned into a birthday/mother’s day celebration combined because Chris and I had a ministry event schedule for mother’s day (sorry mom, that was not my plan at all!).IMG_5091 I tried to contribute, but my mom wouldn’t let me do much. She went out of her way to make it very special and it really helped me come out of my funk. I felt very loved, especially considering the fact that my mom recently underwent a life-altering surgery less than a month prior. IMG_5035

She used one of the umbrellas we used at the wedding, which I just now realized I never posted about. Haha, I guess that will be coming soon.



Birthday funk officially over. Family, and chickens, are good for that sort of thing.

Now I know the meaning…

Now I know the meaning of “sad puppy dog eyes”.

We had to take Baxter to his 6 month appointment at the vet. two weeks ago.

You know, that appointment where he goes in a little boy doggie and comes out a man doggie…only with fewer body parts than when he went in?

He was very excited for the road trip…. I didn’t have the heart to tell him what was on the agenda for the day.


Let’s just say he was a very different doggie when Chris picked him up later.


Scared of anything and everything.


We had to elevate his food and water bowls so that he could get to them. Which he didn’t anyway because he was too scared of them. It was a very sad sight, and now I know exactly what sad puppy eyes look like. He kept staring at us as if to say “what have you done to me”?

Fortunately, he is pretty much back to normal…romping around the house and getting into everything.

He’s still afraid of my rain boots, though… and let’s keep it that way.

I don’t want any bite marks in those babies.


just an update…

things have been pretty low-key around here lately.

I’ve been heading over to my parent’s house on Fridays (my day off) to help my mom do some things around the house. Last Friday was GORGEOUS and perfect for walking my mom’s gardens.


the peeps are growingIMG_4797

a perfect day to hang laundry on the line


peonies about to bloom



the bees are buzzing


a giant cabbage…er, just taking up space


swiss chard

(I know, I know…it sounds like the name of a cheese or a wine. I said the same thing to my mom)IMG_4835

baby apples


there will be a lot of cherries this year


Also, I’ve started my own little garden.


it makes me smile every time I come or go from our home

IMG_4866 really, I just ripped out a shrub and needed something to cover up the mess I made until I could get Chris to fix my ‘oops’.

please and thank you, hubby!


The weather has been so nice here lately (following a sad snowy winter) and we have really enjoyed living so close to a nice park.


This park is only about a 3 mile (roundtrip) walk from our house.


Baxter enjoyed watching the pick-up basketball and football games


of course he worked on gnawing on a stick


and of course we brought a snack

(remember the 3 miles?)IMG_4899 

What do you like to do when the weather begins to get warm?