Anniversary photo + baby-less date

Things have been a little busy around here, what with the baby and all. Last year I decided to start a tradition of taking a photo of Chris and I each year to commemorate ‘us’ on our anniversary. I am excited to be able to look back one day on the many photos and see how we, as husband and wife, have evolved over the years.

Chris had a great idea to add Charlotte to this year’s photo; unfortunately her empty tummy had plans for sabotage. She was not a happy camper.

Weekdays are always pretty busy so we decided to wait until the weekend to celebrate our two married years together. My parents offered to watch Charlotte for us on Saturday. This was the first time that I had been away from Charlotte for longer than an hour (and I had only been away from her once before this for a doctors appointment) – boy was it difficult not to call every second.

Neither of us had been to the beach all summer (tragic, I know) and that is really all I wanted to do – Lay out in the sun! I can always tell when I haven’t had enough sunshine in my life. Chris and I didn’t even put on our bathing suits because we didn’t have much time so I’m sure we looked like tourists laying on the beach, looking at clouds and airplanes as they passed by, but it was glorious! There’s nothing like the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. After our beach date we grabbed some BBQ and then headed home. Nothing spectacular, but still a fun adventure.

Then I zipped back to my parents house to pick up Charlotte who had a blast at Papa and Honey’s farm. She didn’t miss me nearly as much as I missed her.

And I’m embarrassed to admit, being away from her really put me in an uptight, edgy mood – though I didn’t realize it until later. Do you ever have those days when you and your spouse just aren’t on the same page? I definitely wasn’t playing on Team Baker today, which is unfortunate, because this was our chance to really reconnect – our first time without Charlotte interrupting a meal, a conversation, sleep, etc.  Though of course we don’t mind those little interruptions, I just know it’s important us to make time for, well, US!

Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Another chance to try again to be loving, joyful, a peacemaker, patient, kind, good, gentle, faithful, and exhibit self control when it comes to my relationship with my hubby.  (Galatians 5:22-23)

Goooooooo Team Baker!

Happy anniversary to us!

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband – I can’t believe that our perfect day was two years ago! I am so glad I made photography a priority when I was planning our wedding. I love looking at our pictures – they perfectly capture that day. If you’re looking for a fabulous photography team in Southeastern Virginia check out Andi Grant Photography.

Just so you can walk down memory lane with me…

Yay, ok thanks for re-visiting our wedding day with me. If you want to see more my mom blogged about it in detail here. I remember blogging about it as well, but I can’t for the life of me find the post! Maybe it was a dream?!

Think it’s too soon for a second honeymoon? Chris and I talk about how much we loved Kauai at least once a week (made possible by my generous in-laws). So much fun!

For our first anniversary (last year) we took a photo in front of the same ‘arch-thing’ from our wedding. My dad built it by the way… unbelievable! I wish there was some way to preserve it better but it is kind of giant. Not really any good place to keep it besides outside in my parents back, back, back yard. That’s why photos are so important!!!

We will have to wait until this weekend to take our “two” photo… you know, logistics have changed with toting a baby around and everything.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for our family over the next years.

Crock Pot Chicken Tacos

I Know, I know… I am equally surprised that I’m posting a recipe on my blog. And one that I have actually made, to boot!

I’m not sure how or why but something changed when I had Charlotte. Well, lots of things changed actually, but I have noticed a few new things about myself that I am really starting to like.

First off, I suddenly have very little interest in spending money on myself. This came as a big shocker to me! What?! Polka-dot rain boots on clearance? Just kept walking right on past. New fall nail polish color? Nah, I’ve got plenty of other colors at home. New curly hair miracle product? That’s alright, I’m ok with my frizz. My priorities have definitely shifted. I also know that if I want to be able to go back to work only part-time then Chris and I really need to reign in our spending. Don’t worry, we are big savers too, but until now we have been able to splurge on extras (like yummy DD coffee <3 ) without really worrying about the bottom line. In the long run, I’d much rather give up things for myself so that I am able to be home with Charlotte, as I’m sure every parent does. So… that means trying to cook more meals at home.

Secondly (is that a word?!), I have become quite the homemaker over the past few weeks. Now that I am finally feeling better I have started to enjoy doing more around the house. Up until now I was usually too exhausted after a 10 hour work day to do any substantial house work. I would typically just come home, eat dinner, watch some tv, then crash for the night (especially when pregnant). Fridays were my day off and the day I would typically try to get things done around the house, but that usually resulted in me feeling completely overwhelmed with my long to-do list. Or I would start a project that would somehow result in creating even more of a mess.

Let me just steam this work shirt for Chris… hmmmm the steamer isn’t working… commence hour long attempt to de-calcify the steamer…that doesn’t work so I track down some tools and take it apart… find nothing… put it back together… get out the iron… ironing board crashes down on my toe… I get out the clippers and trim my toe nails… then paint them… then organize the drawer that the clippers are in… find something that belongs in another room… take it to that room… probably the kitchen where I decide I need a snack. WHAT?! It’s 5:00. oops, I didn’t cook dinner. or, um, finish any task today for that matter.

It’s all very “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” now that I think about it.

Now, the cleaning and organizing I’m still working on but I HAVE been cooking dinner quite a bit. And if you know me at all then you know that this is quite a feat! I never cook. Except for the occasional mac & cheese and spaghetti when we are desperate.

ok, all of that to say –> I’ve been cooking. here is a recipe that is yummy. you should try it.

Crock Pot Chicken Tacos

Cooking time: Not really sure… let the crock pot do the thinking. (man, writing a recipe is difficult)
Serves: at least 6? at least. Chris and I have been eating this meal for several days now (and Chris eats about 4 tacos per meal, I eat about 2).
  • 3 boneless skinless chicken breasts – frozen or thawed. (side note: I bought Tyson frozen boneless skinless chicken breast from Walmart and was pleasantly surprised that they were individually frozen. At first I was like “what the heck?” but it actually made it easier to thaw without getting chicken juice everywhere – You just stick the number of breasts in a warm water ‘bath’ (which also cuts out the whole ‘microwave defrost’ thing), then open up each individual packet and get cookin’. Also, this recipe is so flexible – you could easily add more chicken breasts and increase the amounts of the other ingredients to cook for a larger group.
  • 1 packet of taco seasoning – (I used an awesome recipe for homemade seasoning that I found here. It was SUPER easy to throw together and cuts back on the preservatives found in the packaged kind. If I can do it, you can do it). If you choose to make your own taco seasoning using the recipe on the link, use 1/2 of it for this recipe.
  • 1/2 jar of salsa – spicy level of your choosing (I used what was left of an already opened jar in the fridge since we were out of chips anyway)
  • Whatever fixins you like for your tacos – tortillas, cheese, sour cream, guacamole , lettuce, tomatoes, etc.
  1. Set your crock pot to high and put the chicken at the bottom. Then throw the taco seasoning and salsa on top, covering the chicken.
  2. Set it and forget it! 6 hours if chicken is frozen, about 4 if it is thawed. I cooked the chicken from frozen and I’m pretty sure it was done way before the 6 hours (especially since I put it on high) – you are probably better at this than me so use your best judgement depending on how quickly you want it to be done… or use a meat thermometer 🙂 Also, even though I cooked it for a really long time, it was still very juicy. Also, I didn’t really “set it and forget it” – I turned the chicken breasts over about 3 hours into it, just for good measure, but I don’t know that this was necessary.
  3. Take two forks and shred the chicken – mix into the awesome juices at the bottom of the crock pot and assemble your tacos!