Babies just keep growing, there’s no stopping it: 8 months.

I’m not gonna lie to you – This post is over 2 weeks old, so Charlotte is technically  8 1/2 months old now. I started this post 2 weeks ago on her 8 month birthday but things have not slowed down for a second around here in the Baker home. I’m sure this is what I can expect for the rest of my life as a mother.

Another thing that I feel confident in reporting… I will never again get a nice still photo of my daughter. It was a huge challenge to take her photos this month. Typically I take a few of her on her back and a few of her in the rocker in her nursery. This month’s series also showcases some nice shots of her confined to her crib {out of necessity, and slight frustration… but mostly necessity}.

8 months 6

8 months 7

8 months 8

Toy bribery was also successful in catching her attention for a moment.8 months 9

Next month I may have to resort to ironing a number on her back as well to make my job a little easier.

8 months 13

8 months 15

Notice the lovely red mark on her forehead? Proof of her numerous attempts to escape the confines of her crib.

8 months 12

8 months 11

8 months 10


8 months 3

8 months 2

At 8 months, Charlotte:

  • Is crawling everywhere. Notice the scuffed up knees?8 months 25
  • Has become a daredevil {and I’m pretty sure we have the Little Gym to thank for that… giving her a crazy amount of confidence… how dare they!}. It only took a few days of being mobile before she began pulling up on things, first to her knees and now all the way to a stand.
  • Has been struggling with her nap/bedtime routine because of this newfound mobility . As soon as we place her down into her crib she bolts to the corner that is closest to the door, pulls up to a stand, and assumes her ‘i’m so desperate to get out of here’ stance with her head thrown back in the most dramatic way. I don’t have a photo of her standing at the end of her crib, but this is her talking to herself and exploring her spacious sleeping quarters at 9pm.8 months - crib
  • Has 2 top incisors coming in {barely peeking through the surface of her gums so no photo yet!} so she is gnawing on anything and everything she can get her hands on and has also started to drool. She has never been a drooly baby before these teething episodes so this is a new experience for all of us.
  • Has said her first word – “dada”. You can read about that adventure here. Her new favorite sounds to make are: ‘ooph’ {which she vocalizes any time she is ‘working hard’ – as in ‘these blocks are so heavy it’s taking all my might to lift them, ‘oooph’} and ‘mmmm’ when she is eating something yummy.
  • Has been enjoying 2 meals a day of purees {about 2 ounces each meal} and will not eat any more than that despite my best efforts to stuff her {particularly before bed time}. She still nurses about 6-7 times a day. She is loving some new fruits and veggies this month in additional to her usuals: papaya {provided by her Lola Pam}, kiwi, clementines, and peas. The clementines and papaya are some of her favorites to have in the mesh teethers – I limit the clementines, though, because of their high acidity. I am just now getting around to introducing peas because I had a difficult time finding froze peas without salt added {and kept forgetting to look for other brands – I finally found some at Trader Joe’s but have since found them in several different grocery stores, usually from organic brands}. I don’t make all of her food from frozen, but there are several types that are much easier to prepare from frozen than when buying them fresh; mostly green beans and peas}. Once the local farmer’s markets open up we will be experimenting with many more fruits and veggies – I can’t wait for seasonal watermelon!!!IMG_9547
  • Love. Love. Loves her Little Gym classes. Here she is with the other Bugs playing with some bubbles. I love watching her socialize with the other kiddos, even if she is a bully {pulling hair, rounding up all the shakers for herself.. you know, all the typical 8 month old stuff}TLG bugs class Spring 2013
    • Is not really ‘waving’ anymore, though I’m not too concerned because I know she has been developing so many other skills these past few weeks – something has to take the back burner!
    • Is not quite sure of the grass, cement, and mulch mommy has put her on during play-dates at the park, but is warming up to the idea that she may have to move on them
    • Can entertain herself  independently for quite a long time {in a safe place like the pack-and-play, of course} until she notices me walk past and realizes that I haven’t been watching her every second of the past 15 minutes… then she becomes dramatic and the laundry/cleaning/anything mommy-related is put on hold until I can get her distracted
    • Loves being outside in the sun, just like her mommy. She refuses to keep a hat on, so I just try to be diligent about applying sunblock and sticking mostly to the shade when we are at the
    • Is now pretty good about sitting up in the front of the cart, though she did throw her first mega tantrum in Michael’s the other day when I wouldn’t let her hold the spray paint. She wailed and did her usual ‘throwing her head back for dramatic effect’ move, but then hit her head on the back of the cart seat, so wailed some more. It was rough and that cashier said to her: ‘Is that you who was making all that noise?’ Yikes. And I know this joy will only continue as she gets older. I am fairly certain God gifted me with a daughter who is exactly like me when I was little – Sorry mom for all I put you through.

Charlotte 8 months


We love our bug and find ourselves saying ‘I love our family’ almost every day.

Thank you God for this sweet life you have entrusted us with!

It’s official: First word.

Charlotte said her first word on Sunday.

It was epic.

I feel that as a speech therapist mommy I have been critical of judging Charlotte’s ‘firsts’. She was actually technically crawling (mobile) before I gave her a gold star on her report card for crawling because to me, it wasn’t crawling until she was actually moving forward – she moved sideways and backwards way before she moved forward.

When it comes to ‘talking’, Charlotte has been pretty vocal since early on; this is her at 2 months, starting to express her little inner personality {apologies for the long videos, I didn’t have time to edit them down this week. Just fast forward if you hate adorable-ness}:

and at 4 months:

Then the ‘throat clearing’ phase at 6 months:

And now at 8 months {I wouldn’t say this clip is very representative, seeing as how most of her communication as of late consists of screams and shrieks because she is frustrated with mommy for ‘cramping her style’, but this clip is definitely easier on the ears}:

Chris and I have been hearing Charlotte babble ‘mamas’ and ‘dadas’ in the most hilarious ways over the past few months and she has imitated ‘bye bye’ and ‘hey’ {I’m pretty sure it was a ‘hey y’all… in her best southern drawl, ha!} when listening to us talk. I was waiting for her to spontaneously verbalize with purpose before counting it as her ‘first word’ and she delivered on Sunday evening. I had her in her highchair munching on some frozen peaches {in her mesh teether, of course} to soothe her poor teething gums. When Chris came home from small group and walked through the door she looked right over to him.. ‘dada’, and without skipping a beat went right back to gnawing on her fruit. It was so adorable. She was so proud of herself. And so were we.

A quick morning update.

Here’s a brief Baker family update {and a mini photo purge} – I haven’t posted in weeks, there is so much you’ve missed.

  • Chris and I have begun taking foster parenting classes through the City of Virginia Beach. Let me answer some questions that you may have to save you from having to ask them: It will take 9 weeks to finish the classes. A home study must be completed before anyone will be placed with us. No, we don’t know if we are ready for another child to be added to the mix {who does?!}. Yes, we are freaking out about bed space, car space, and pretty much just space in general. Yes, we will have age parameters for whomever will be placed with us {3 and under}. Yes, I am terrified. Yes, we are trusting God – He is leading us down this path so we are trusting in His best judgement. I’m trying to keep my ‘thinking’ and ‘planning’ out of it because that can only screw things up. No, we are not parenting experts {as we haven’t even gotten to the tough parenting tasks with Charlotte yet}, but as long as there are children in the world who need loving, patient, kind adults in their life to live out and show Christ’s love for them then we will be obedient to what God asks of us.
  • Charlotte is now quite mobile and is crawling everywhere and pulling up to her knees. She will be 8 months on Thursday of this week so I will fill you in on her latest developmental milestones in her 8 month update post.


That’s all I have time for at the moment, I hear one little 7 month old who wants to get up and join the action.

Chris and Charlotte - hat
chris and charlotte - hat2

chris and charlotte  - hat3