
That’s a silly word.

But I have a few more bits of info for Charlotte’s 9 month update. More for my sake than for yours {since I haven’t written a stitch of info in her baby book… no judgement please}. I am counting on these blog posts to remind me of everything she has been up to when I do eventually sit down to write.

  • Charlotte had a perfect 9 month well check. She is now 2 ft 4 inches tall {50th percentile, but it seems giant when you put it in those measurements} – I prefer to say 71cm! She weighs 15lbs 13oz {10th percentile} – only a 1 lb 8 oz difference from her 6 month checkup… but still healthy and growing… just itty bitty.

9 month checkup

  • I forgot to mention the teething marathon Charlotte has been enduring in her 8th month. As you remember, she got her first 2 bottom teeth just after her 4 month birthday. I don’t have a good photo of her new chompers yet, but there are now 2 others accompanying the first bottom 2 and 4 big chicklets on the top for a total of 8 teeth!

8 months with mommy

I hear a baby stirring in her crib and starting to wake from her afternoon nap so that will have to be it for now!