This week in the Baker home…

Charlotte will be 4 months old in a few days. Ahh, I don’t even want to think about that! I will post her monthly update next week some time after I’ve had a few days to deal with how quickly time is passing. It’s just not fair!!! (Harumph! Crosses arms, stomps feet, etc.).

Ok, tantrum over. Here’s a quick photo update:

Charlotte has been trying so hard to roll over from her back to her tummy; no luck yet but I’m sure it will happen when I least expect it and when there is no camera in sight.laughing at dad

trying to roll over

Charlotte on tummy

charlotte in mirror

Yesterday Tiffany and Hunter stopped by for some snuggles with Charlotte. Tiffany also helped me with Charlotte’s christmas ornament which involved paint + 4 month old. Let’s just say I was so glad to have the extra hand and that baby wipes are the most wonderful and helpful invention. ever.

In other baby news, my amazing black friday cloth diapers arrived in all their fluffy glory.

fluffy mail

That’s all for now. No time for anything insightful, though that sort of post is definitely on the horizon… there’s a lot going on in this noggin that I’ll need to purge soon!

video goodies

Charlotte has not yet met her Grandma and Grandpa Baker. I know, right?! It definitely hasn’t been by choice. It just hasn’t been feasible, with them being in another country and all. They have been living in Germany for the past 2 1/2 years but are flying home for good tomorrow! I’m sure it has been very difficult for them to miss the first few months of their first grandchild’s life. I have been trying to post as many experiences and photos/videos as I can for them to see so they don’t feel so out of the loop.

I am sure they are already in the air flying over the Atlantic as I write this, but here’s another video of Charlotte, complete with a baby sneeze, a dog bark, and a surprise appearance from her daddy.

{my apologies for the video quality and the weird angle – Charlotte was taking a quick cat-nap in my arms but decided to cut it short to chat about something. It’s also quite long… I can never decide when it’s a good time to stop recording. “Okay….now! No….um, now! wait, she’s talking more….. ok, er, stop now! gah… just record forever. people will watch it anyway”}

This week she has also started blowing raspberries {which I thought was supposed to be a cute little innocent and playful baby noise but somehow makes her sound disgruntled and angry, like she’s expressing her feelings at her current situation – which right now, is swaddled and forced into a nap because she was cranky}.



Charlotte’s 3 month update!

I am trying to be diligent in writing Charlotte’s accomplishments down in blog post form so that eventually I can transfer them into a baby book of sorts. It’s much easier for me to jot something down on the computer than to write it in her baby book because a) I don’t have a baby book for her yet, and b) if I put it on paper then it would be lost in a pile of 2 billion other papers in my house and then eventually thrown away during a ‘purge’.

At 3 months, Charlotte…

– weighs… who knows?! We don’t have another pediatrician appointment until her 4 month check-up and we don’t own a scale so all I can tell you is it’s 10+ lbs {because she weighed 10 lbs at her 2 month check-up and since then has gained lots of yummy leg rolls}.

– can push herself up with her arms while laying on her belly (and has rolled over twice in the past week)!

– has great neck control and is able to hold her head up for a while {unless she has just woken up from a nap or is about to take a nap…then all muscles are apparently powering down and have forgotten what their job is}

– loves to chat it up with mommy or daddy but is otherwise very selective with who she will converse with {so if you’ve experienced it you should feel honored}!

– self soothes by rubbing her own head and playing with her hair {so cute to see} – this is something I know she got from me – the second someone touches my head or plays with my hair… instant calm and I’m out like a light!

– Can sit up {but with a lot of assistance from mommy, daddy, or chair}. I don’t typically leave her up so long that she falls over but I wanted to see how long she would last. Kaboom. She remained happy throughout the ordeal though, so I didn’t feel like such a bad mommy for letting her fall over.

– Is pretty much always full of smiles and snorts and will let out some infectious giggles every now and then.

– Is really starting to find her hands a lot {and frequently gives them a good gnawing while jamming them in her mouth simultaneously, causing a continuous drool flow}.

– Rocked her first cloth diaper experience {love them} – I’ll blog more about the details later but I love not having icky chemicals next to her skin 24/7 {I’m not totally cloth yet because I don’t have a big enough stash of diapers}!

– Has been such a trooper with mommy going back to work {and she LOVES staying with Aunt Melissa during the day}.

I just had to include these because I love all of the faces she makes. So much personality in that little nugget.








I can’t believe it has been 3 months since I first saw her sweet face and awesome head of hair.

Love her to pieces.




roll, baby roll!

I knew it would happen sooner or later {but I was secretly hoping for later. much, much later}.

Charlotte rolled over from her tummy to her back today. She will be 3 months old on Sunday. yikes. I had it on good authority that I could expect my baby to begin developing this skill at ‘as early as 4 months’, but probably later. Lies, Baby Lies, I tell you! Charlotte is not even 3 months old – I am so not ready for this. I thought I had more time!

She has been getting really strong and pushing up onto her arms for about a week now. Then today while enjoying some tummy time the perfect combination of her pushing up on her arms, kicking her legs, her big ‘ol heavy head, and gravity resulted in her flipping right over onto her back. I didn’t think to take a picture because she started crying – I guess it startled her. It startled me too because I wasn’t even looking. {tear}. I had just snapped a few pictures of her {surprised?} and reached up to put my phone back on the table. It all happened so fast. I am very sad that I missed it but am also very happy for her and I know that there are many firsts to come {and I won’t be able to experience all of them… but at least someone will – either her daddy or her Aunt who watches her while I am at work, or maybe even Grandma and Grandpa or Papa and Honey}.

Here she is, plotting to roll over as soon as mommy reaches up to put her camera away. What a stinker!

She is napping now but I am so excited for Chris to get home tonight so we can see if she will do it again {and if I can get it on camera this time} – stay tuned!

On a sort-of-related/sort-of-not-related note: here’s a cute pic from last night’s daddy-daughter time.