Get ready!



This is exactly what I have been needing. Some accountability. Accountability from another mama. Better yet, accountability from thousands of mamas all over the United States and in countries around the world!

The study  on Abounding Hope will begin  January 28th and go until April 26th 2013.


You can get a free download when you register so you can’t use cost as an excuse!

Here’s how it works (Excerpt taken straight from the websites Q&A post here):

“How does the HelloMornings Challenge work?

The HelloMornings Challenge is a daily check-in via social media accountability groups.  Before or after their morning routine, group members check in with their assigned group on Facebook or Twitter.

You choose the group that fits most with what you are looking for, or you can form your own group at church or wherever. Once you register, your Accountability Captain (group leader) will contact you before the challenge begins with more details.”

So the idea is that in an effort to carve out a little bit of you + God time in the morning {what better way to begin your day?}, you will follow along in this book with other women around the world and be able to discuss the book each morning via facebook or twitter {you get to choose your preference when you register}. What an awesome way to be held accountable to starting/maintaining this ‘healthy habit’.

Who wants to join me?

Just follow this link to the sign-up page and then you will be directed to choose a group. I was going to begin my own group because all of the Eastern time zone groups are taken but I would like to see how this works before jumping in too deep {maybe next time!} – it doesn’t matter what group you choose but just know that posts about that day’s bible study will just be posted earlier/later depending on which time zone you choose {as moms in your group are getting up and beginning/finishing their reading they will start posting on Facebook/twitter}. I chose Heather Williams / Bethany Nash’s group from the Central time zone listing. Join it with me!

Registration ends Wednesday January 23rd, 2013 so you need to scramble!

Even if you decide not to do this the website has tons of resources for women of all ages, so check it out. Though I hope you reconsider; I’m taking a chance on it too and stepping out of my comfort zone, but I do know that a step towards knowing God better is never the wrong step. I don’t even know what time I will need to get up because a) Charlotte is quite unpredictable with her ‘good morning, come get me’ screeches, and b) I have never had an efficient morning routine and am always running late…. this will definitely be a challenge. All I know is that I am in desperate need of some time in my bible and in prayer.

Let me know if you decide to do this with me please!

Don’t forget, the deadline to register is Wednesday, January 23rd and the whole shebang begins  January 28th!


Let’s talk about poop {and other parent-y things}

If you are a mommy… or a daddy, or read articles about parenting things, or sometimes think about reading articles about parenting things… then I have some questions for you:

1. Charlotte seems a tad constipated since we have been giving her tastes of various foods. I knew this was coming because my pediatrician warned us that her frequency may decrease as purees were introduced. Before purees, she was a ‘business every day’ kind of baby; very regular. But now her ‘business’ is very infrequent and she has been a grumpy baby the past few days. Is there anything I can do to give her some relief? She has only been eating green beans and sweet potatoes so far {and less than a 1/2 ounce each night, really she just gets a taste}. Tonight I gave her some pureed prunes {which she gobbled right up} so we will see if anything is different in the morning. I tried a high fiber cereal but she was not interested {have you ever tasted that stuff? Nasty!}. Just wondering if there is anything I can do to help her; I want my happy baby back! And will she always be constipated? Or is her tummy just getting used to digesting something new?


2. We have a little piranha on our hands. Her toothy smile is super cute, but she is starting to bite while nursing! At first it was very infrequent, but the past 2 days she has chomped down nearly every single time she nurses and it is KILLING me! I swear today she chomped down because I wasn’t paying attention to her; as soon as I looked down at her she unlatched and gave me a big ‘ol grin. Am I making that up? She is teething as well, so I would then give her a teething ring thinking she just wanted to chew on something but she would refuse it and act like she was hungry. Is there anything I can do? Or just grin and bear it? How long does this last?


3. Charlotte will roll over in her sleep now; we will find her on her tummy more often than not. I have read extensively about the risk factors for SIDS and we have done as many preventative measures as we know to do. Should I try to turn her over to her back again? I am afraid of waking her. She actually sleeps so much more solidly when she is on her tummy. She has fairly good head control {I think, though I don’t have anything to compare her to} I’m just paranoid and starting to lose sleep over it!


I will be calling the pediatrician regarding all of these things as well, but was just curious what other moms and dads had to say about it. Sheesh, month 5 sure does bring on quite a few curveballs!

Houston, we have roll over!

Charlotte has been teetering on the edge of rolling over for almost a month now and I have been poised with my camera ready to capture the moment. I have about a billion photos over her perched on her side like the ones below but until now she hasn’t gone any further than that. Not that I’m rushing things… I just wanted to be prepared.




There I sat with my camera, minute after minute, day after day waiting for her to make that next move and roll all the way over to her tummy. On Wednesday of this week {one day after  her 4 month birthday} she surprised Chris and I by completing the roll… and of course we both missed it! I was cooking in the kitchen {I know, right?!} and Chris had just looked away for a moment while playing with Charlotte on the floor. She’s a quick one! I was finally able to catch it on camera this weekend {with the help of Aunt Leah}.

The video is quite long, but completely adorable. brace yourself. Please ignore my “oooh, awww, oh, yay, oooh, oh no….” mommy commentary. and the clanking/tinkering noise in the background is Chris putting Charlotte’s highchair together {yay!}. Our pediatrician {who is awesome, by the way} gave us the go-ahead to start trying some cereal to help with the reflux so we are finally able to break out the highchair – won’t be long now before she is able to sit up in it all by herself!

Time, I command you to slow down!

Charlotte meets her grandparents and a Missouri Thanksgiving

Charlotte met her grandma and grandpa Baker for the first time 2 Fridays ago! She was a good sport and waited very patiently at the airport (She looks so serious in this picture, which is unusual for her).

Waiting at the airport

ESCUSE ME, I Mustache you a question…


It was love at first sight for everyone and we are so glad to have them back in the States!
meeting grandpa


The following Monday we were on a plane headed to Memphis where we would then drive to Chris’ father’s hometown of Kennet, Missouri to be with the Baker clan for Thanksgiving.

Charlotte was SO unbelievably wonderful during the flights and car traveling. I was one proud mama!



When we landed in Memphis we stopped for some good ‘ol Memphis BBQ before hitting the road to Missouri.

“Charlotte, next time please save some ribs for everyone else”!


Here’s a tour of Kennet:


Haha, just kidding. There is more to Kennet than dirt roads, I just didn’t take many pictures while we were there.  I can only juggle one valuable thing in my hands at a time and lately I’ve been choosing the baby!

Causbie’s Bakery is a must when visiting.

And I always like to visit some thrift stores and antique shops while I’m there.

Swyngomatic? Really, Graco? I wouldn’t trust that contraption with a ham sandwhich, let alone an actual 10+ lb baby.


I was very sad to find my favorite (after my one visit there previously) antique shop was closed both times we tried to visit; I’m guessing because of the holidays. Very sad. I had my heart set on some blue mason jars. womp womp.

Charlotte got lots of snuggles from her family, especially her Lola and Grandpa Baker. I am realizing that I didn’t really get any pictures of other family members while we were there… so not like me at all!



(‘Thankful for Mommy’ shirt for Thanksgiving!)




And she met her great grandpa Baker for the first time.


Her smirk cracks me up. I think she knows something we don’t know. She’s a very wize baby.



The Baker family. Grandpa Baker has 4 children, 10 grandchildren, and 18 great grandchildren.

So glad we were able to get a family photo.Baker Family 2012

Charlotte was loved on by all of her new family members and was gifted with some very adorable clothes from Aunt Brenda and Aunt Jeannie (thank you!) and her Lola Pam. I CANNOT get over these shoes. SO cute. I am kicking myself for not buying more in bigger sizes while we were there. I haven’t seen this brand anywhere!


Charlotte was, again, a very good traveling baby. I pretty much kept her in my k’tan wrap while moving through the airport so my hands would be free. Also, we (meaning me) experienced changing a poopy diaper in an airplane bathroom TWICE. Actually not as bad of an experience as you my be imagining in your head right now but it definitely earned me a new ‘mommy badge’!

I wish so badly that this picture (below) had been in focus, but what can you do with a cell phone camera in a moving car trying to take a picture of a moving baby?! I will post it anyway in all its blurry adorableness because I love the face she is making.


Sleeping on her daddy on the plane.



We had so much fun with our Missouri/Arkansas/Tennessee family and were sad we couldn’t spend more time with everyone but were so glad to be back home.

After all, Virginia is for Lovers.