Pumpkin Patch

We ventured to a pumpkin patch with some friends a few weeks ago.

I am loving having a mobile Charlotte. Easier on the back, but also so much fun to watch her explore and every new experience is an adventure for her. Even the things we find mundane (like opening an umbrella in the rain) are magical for her. I love it.
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I wasn’t sure how she would do on the hayride but she LOVED it!pumpkin patch 14

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And she had her first taste of popcorn. another love.

I had to cut her off after a few pieces; she would have eaten the whole bag if I’d left her alone with it {just like her mama}

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Isaiah 55; I've read it, now if I can only take it to heart.

I’ve never been known for my easy breezy ability to say ‘no’. it’s such a teeny little word, you’d think it would be easier to say. My beloved husband is, fortunately, very much unlike me. He has the ability to think objectively about everything and is never fearful of that little ‘no’ word.
This week, though, I did say ‘no’ {with a little prompting}. We got a call from DHS Monday morning asking if we were available to take in another baby. another fresh squish. My heart’s first response was yes! I’m sure it will always be yes. After speaking with Chris, though, I realized our thoughts were very different in this particular situation. Chris was saying no. and for a good reason.
Several months ago my nephrologist {kidney doctor} recommended a kidney biopsy for me following all of my postpartum hypertension and kidney issues after delivering Charlotte {you can read about that experience here and here}. Unfortunately, none of the preliminary ‘non-invasive’ testing had given any clues as to exactly why my kidneys are failing; my doctor recommended a biopsy to investigate further. I am not of the “investigative medicine for medicine’s sake” mindset and there is no true urgency as my kidney function is stable, but “sooner rather than later and absolutely before you think about having another baby” were my doctor’s words to me. We had planned on scheduling it for mid October but postponed once we took in our first Squish. Once he left, we decided to plan the biopsy for mid November.
When Chris and I spoke Monday morning to discuss whether or not we should take in this next squish, Chris’ thoughts were that we needed to continue with the biopsy and take care of my health needs before taking in any more foster kiddos. Of course, that was not what I wanted to hear. We decided to take an hour to pray about it separately. Less than 5 minutes later I received another call from the social worker, offering me more information about this particular baby. I told her about Chris’ concerns and the need for a biopsy and she actually convinced me that we needed to not  take this baby and continue with our plans instead of postponing the biopsy again. According to my doctor, the biopsy would entail an overnight stay in the hospital, 72 hours of no activity, then 2 weeks of no lifting. Not the easiest thing to recover from when you have a 14 month old, and probably impossible if we took in a newborn as well. If we had taken in this newborn, we would have had to reschedule.
It was a very difficult decision, but in the end we felt that God truly guided this choice. This verse in Isaiah has been on my mind this week.

Isaiah 55

I don’t know God’s reasoning for the timing of these kinds of things. It seems like stinky timing to me. I want to have the biopsy and make sure I am healthy to care for my baby… but I also want so desperately to care for that baby. It’s not as if we are the only foster parents out there, I just know that God is working in our lives through this process and a journey, and when we began I promised God I would not chicken out. I am committed to showing love to others and I will continue taking steps forward, even if I am scared.  I know this isn’t backing out or letting God down because I truly feel that he guided our choice. still…. I think about that sweet little squish every day and hope that she is getting all the love and snuggles she deserves from her current foster parents.

Charlie Grace is 11 months old

This post was partially written about 2 months ago {when Charlotte was actually 11 months old}, but the summer has been hectic and I have just now been able to sit down and put it all together.

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I had to bribe her with her toothbrush in order to get the rest of these photos.

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She has a love-hate relationship with that thing.

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But her relationship with Pink Puppy is definitely love-love!

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At 11 months, Charlotte:

  • Has about 6 words {up, all done, bye bye, no, dada, boo} and 3 signs {all done, milk, and more}.
  • Loves to turn the pages of her books and point to each picture.
  • Loves to stand and cruise around the couch and the coffee table but has not yet been brave enough to take a step on her own.
  • Cleaned up her toys in the bathtub all by herself singing “all done, all done, aaaaaall done”
  • SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! This is a big victory for us and it was quite a process, but I’m sure every new parent has to work through issues and problem solve like we did… and I’m sure there will be many more times in which we have to do the same throughout the years.

There are many thoughts out there on sleep training vs. no sleep training and cry vs. no cry, etc. In the end, you have to do what is right for your family and what you are comfortable with. Charlotte has gone down for bed very well for the last 5 months or so. She is practically asleep before you close the door so that wasn’t our issue. Our issue was that she was regularly waking up between 2 and 3 to nurse, though around 10 months she began waking 2-3 times a night {practically regressing to an infant waking regiment}! It was truly making me a zombie – 10 months of minimal solid sleep will wear anyone ragged. Each time I would go in to soothe her though she began expecting to nurse simply because it was mommy who was entering the room. If I left the room after soothing her and laying her down {without nursing} she would scream and deliver the most angry wails from a tortured deprived soul.   It . was . awful.    And would go on for so long until I eventually nursed her, worried that she had been really hungry all along.  It’s the perpetual battle of a mother – is this the cry of a baby who is truly hungry and needs nourishment? Or is this the cry of a baby who has every need met but simply wants mommy snuggles?  Or is this the cry of a baby who has every need met but just wants to get up and socialize? For Charlotte it was simply in the habit of  waking at that time and had previously always been fed. Eventually, I got the idea to have Chris go in to soothe her during her 2am wake-up. If she was able to go back to sleep, then I could rest easily knowing that she wasn’t hungry after all. If she continued to wake up or cry then I knew she needed something {milk, diaper change, teething meds}. The first few nights were difficult for Chris because he wasn’t used to getting up frequently during the night and had to head in to work the next morning as usual. If Charlotte woke up we agreed we would give her 3-5 minutes to self-soothe, then Chris would head in to give her her binky and lay her down again. It worked like a charm. During the first few nights she was able to mostly soothe herself back to sleep within the first 2 minutes of our ‘wait and see’ time period and she was always immediately soothed by Chris giving her a binky and laying her down {she only gets a binky during naps and bed….so they work REALLY well for soothing}. I didn’t get amazing sleep the first few weeks because 1) when she is awake, I am awake…and 2) even as she started sleeping through 2 o’clock, then 3 o’clock and so on, my body was still set to be awake for a good 45 minutes at those times.

Here’s what Charlie has been up to at 10 months (leading up to 11 months)

Keeping cool with a buddy.

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Manning her post at the front door.

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And hanging out with Lola and Grandpa.

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