Happy March

I am very relieved to see March come along, for several reasons. The first being that I have an emotional connection to the sun, its warmth, and all things spring/summer-y which affects me on a physiological level. I just feel so much better when my body is warm and when I am able to spend regular periods of time in the sun. March is not typically a warm month here in Virginia, but this winter has been wonderfully mild (though the up and down temperatures are like a roller-coaster for my allergies).

The second reason I am excited to see March come along has nothing to do with the month itself and everything to do with the fact that I was finally prescribed some medication to help with my morning sickness.  My morning sickness had been my constant companion since week 6 (which was to be expected) and I was somehow coping with my 10 hour work days (yes, I vomited in front of a few patients and parents on one or two occasions, as well as in the car while driving, and in the middle of the night, and…). The kicker was that even with all of my sickness I was able to keep the majority of my meals down and was eating enough nutrients to gain weight (probably because the food item that stayed put in my belly the longest was a Big Texas Cinnamon Roll from the vending machine at work…shhh, don’t tell Chris I couldn’t eat the healthy carrot snack he packed me in my lunch).  About two weekends ago, though,  my body began this strange ritual of not allowing anything to stay down (not even the BTCR from the vending machine or water!). After 24 hours of this I decided I needed to call my doctor, and of course it was the weekend so the midwife on call recommended that I go the emergency room for some fluids. They gave me an IV with 2 bags of saline and the doctor wrote me a prescription for Zofran. One perk of going to the doctor (really, the only perk besides finally getting some relief from yucking) was that they did a fetal heart test to make sure Baby Baker was still growing strong – it was such a relief to hear that heart beat. thumpthumpthumpthumpthump.

The following week at work was wonderful – no yucking! I got this crazy idea in my head that I might not actually need the medication after all so I went longer than I should have without taking it. My body quickly reminded me that I did, in fact, need medication to keep water down.  boo.

Our next appointment is next week. I am actually going to a new OB at a new practice (long story) and I am secretly hoping that since I am a new patient that they will do an ultrasound and we will get to see our gummy bear again. It has been 8 weeks since we last got a visual! So much growth has taken place (according to baby books :).

Fall at the Farm

My friend Tiffany and sister Melissa both brought their boys to ‘Papa and Honey’s farm’ to run off some energy and play with the animals. I used the opportunity to practice my photography skills on my nephews (even some in full manual mode!) and wrangled Baxter into a photo shoot for something coming up next week… here’s a bit of a sneak peek:


I was sad that the sun went behind the trees so quickly.

Hunter was ready for fall in his adorable skeleton shirt.


Papa’s bees. I can’t wait for that honey!


Bubbles will capture any child’s attention, no matter how young or old.






‘Papa moo’ is N. speak for “I wanna see Papa’s goats”


Checking for chicken eggs.

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Feeding acorns to the goats. Hunter didn’t want to let go of his ‘treasures’.

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Just two boys playing with leaves, and acorns and sticks.


What an eventful day, and I bet every one of my nephews (and adopted nephew, Hunter) is sleeping soundly from their busy day.


Back together again!

My little brother Ryan just returned from Marine basic training (not sure exactly what it’s called, but something like that). We are SO incredibly proud of him and are glad to have him back, though he will be leaving again in a week for more training. I’ll post pictures of him in his marine garb once I get them from my mom.

We had lunch at my parent’s house on Sunday afternoon to celebrate Ryan being home. The guys had all been itching to head out to the back acres and shoot off some of their guns. I don’t understand the hype, but I am glad they can spend time together doing things they enjoy!

Here is my aunt and my nephew, N. (turning 2 next week!).


Family photo (from left to right): Pop, Aunt Dona, brother Ryan, nephew J., brother-in-law Juan with nephew N. on top, Dad, Mom, sister Melissa, my hubby Chris, and myself.


I was hoping the direct sun would make for a very bright photo (which it did…just a little too bright, and I don’t have the editing software to handle that).

Then I took my sister and her family to another spot in the yard to take an impromptu family photo for them. We were quickly approaching N.’s naptime and J. had reached the point where his ‘engine was running a little high’ (to use some Occupational Therapy terms I hear at work). It was a little difficult to get the ‘right’ shot, but it was definitely fun!





Then Chris and I took a pic. Again, why did I choose that bright spot?! Lesson learned.



We always bring Baxter to my parent’s home when we go because they have so much land. He really enjoys racing around until his little body is tuckered out. Nephew N. loves “PUPPY!”






‘mouth’… (‘be careful’)



and then our photography session ran into naptime. I tried to get some pictures of my older nephew as well, but they were mostly blurry. The chubby one moves much slower!


yup, photo session is over.


Happy Fall to everyone!

Be sure to snap those family photos whenever possible.

You never know when you might get another chance.

Adjustments and then Evacuating!

I’m sure it’s obvious to you by now that I am about three weeks behind in my blogging.

I don’t know if I’ll ever catch up at this point but who’s counting, right?!

The week after coming back from Mexico was a tough one for all of us.

I called it ‘re-entry’.which is a term my mom ‘coined’ when I was little.

After spending the night at a friends house she tells me I would always go through a period of ‘re-entry’ which typically involved some sort of disobedience and trying to get away with things that had been okay to do in my friend’s home because their parent’s rules were different. After being away from the ‘norm’ I had picked up different habits and it was a adjustment to try and get back to what my parents expected from me.

When we came back from Mexico the same was true, only in reverse. I had picked up habits in Mexico that I wanted to keep! And I didn’t want to go back to my old ways, the old ‘rules’ of living my life. God had changed me so I wanted to avoid going back to the things that were expected of me from others. It was very difficult to head back to work and interact with people because, while my heart and mind had been changed for the better, those I left behind had stayed the same. It was difficult to relate to others because my mind was filled with my recent experience and that was really all that mattered to me.

Then after a long work week and  struggles with ‘re-entry’ … Chris dropped a bomb on me. There was a hurricane headed towards the east coast. More specifically – us. He had made the decision as the head of our house that we were going to head out of town to avoid the loss of power and flooding that was imminent. Now, I’m alright with road trips but, being the home-body that I am, I prefer as much warning as possible.

Fleeing our home at the last minute added to my stress and made for an eventful weekend.  We went to Roanoke, which is my old college stomping ground. It actually turned out to be a really fun trip – I was just on edge because of the circumstances.

I had to take the wheel for part of the trip because I get pretty car-sick when I don’t drive. Chris thinks that it’s just a mind game to gain control of the wheel. (I wonder if that same tactic will work for the remote?). With me behind the wheel that left him to man the camera.









We walked around downtown Roanoke which offers really great people watching year round. We also ate at the Roanoke Weiner Stand. Nuff said.





Chris had fun at the old train station.




There were a lot of pretty cool architectural details to be photographed. Unfortunately, my mood wasn’t up for the challenge. There’s always next time.


We visited my alma mater. They were gearing up for move-ins the next day.

It was so exciting to be back. I felt like a freshman again!



We brought Baxter along with us, of course, and took him to a local dog park to run some energy out. He made fast friends, as usual, and had so much fun.



Back at the hotel Baxter got to hone his hunting skills with the rubber duck that was in our bathroom. He was definitely afraid of it at first, then nuzzled it like a friend, then gnawed it’s poor little beak off!



One evening we ventured down Main street in Salem (which is actually where Roanoke College is located – off Main Street in Salem, VA and not actually Roanoke, VA).

We headed to my most favorite coffee shop ever – Mill Mountain Coffee.

I found the location where the shop HAD been and GASP! In its place was a tattoo and piercing parlor!! WHAT?! My old study spot?! The hangout?! How could it have gone out of business?

Chris tried to console me and informed me that ‘things change’.

My retort was “not in Salem they don’t”.  And with that, I slumped to the ground on the stairs of a nearby church to mourn the ‘change’ that had just occurred in my life (or so I ‘ve been told. I wouldn’t have believed It had there not been photographic proof of my mini temper tantrum).

This is me, thinking about how my world was crumbling down around me.


And this is me, wondering how everyone else can walk by so calmly on the street as if NOTHING IS WRONG?! only everything was wrong because my home away from home had vanished!


Then Chris decided to try and salvage the night by calling Mill Mountain’s number from their website. “Yes, where are you located? I’m having trouble finding you. Oh, across from the library?”

We pan our gaze to the right one block.

There’s the library. and across the street? Mill Mountain!! Hazzah!


It was a miracle!



I felt so grateful for Chris who, in times of disaster and meltdowns, always has a level head and somehow solves even the most impossible dilemmas like disappearing buildings!


He did comment on the way back to our home that “Next time we’ll stay home for the hurricane”. Oops! Hope it wasn’t because of me.