A word {or many words} about adoption and foster care.

My intent is not to offend anyone or make anyone feel guilty and I hope it does not come across that way; it is difficult to put these thoughts into words. I simply wish to explain a little further about why we have chosen to begin this journey.

Chris and I have finally completed the process to become foster parents {and hopefully one day adoptive parents}. Our application will go before a board for approval next week {though as I’m finally getting around to posting this our application has been approved!}. Once we are approved we will wait for a call.  I’ve shared that before. What I haven’t really shared are my feelings about it all and maybe give you {my family members, friends, complete strangers on the internet} some insight as to why we are doing this.

When someone finds out that we are going to foster, we get several different responses. There’s the “wow, that’s great. I could never do that, but great for you guys” or the subtle “You’ll really have your hands full”. Most people, though, give us the rundown of their aunt’s/friend’s/boss’ experience with foster parenting and adopting. The disheartening part is that what they share is almost always negative, as if the ‘teller’ is trying to warn us of the impending doom that is sure to enter our home: “Oh yeah, my coworker had a foster kid in their home for a few weeks, then the kid was so bad so they made him leave”}. That breaks my heart. Not the fact that the foster kiddo was bad. They will be… all kids are at some point. But that the ‘bad foster kid’ is all that I hear about and the fact that they are sharing the story of the ‘bad kid’ is somehow supposed to be a warning to me to ‘get out’ or it’s somehow their own personal reason for absolutely not fostering or adopting.

I don’t doubt that what others tell me about their {or their Aunt’s/friend’s/boss’} fostering experience is true: some kids lie, some hit, some cry all . the . time, some scream, some don’t speak a word, some {really all kids} disobey…… the list goes on.

My response is simple:

So. What.

So what if a child has tantrums, or throws things, or isn’t potty trained {by age 7}, or can’t sleep alone, or doesn’t share, or won’t eat peas, or has stinky clothes.

Does that mean they don’t deserve to be hugged? fed? bathed? told they are smart or funny or loved? Given the chance to feel safe, appreciated, and just be a kid?


A child does not have the power to change their home situation, their influences and role models, or their resources. That is the purpose of the foster care system, but more importantly, those who are followers of Christ: to provide these children with some semblance of stability, safety, love, encouragement while their family is not able to {whether permanent or temporary}. I am fearful of a world in which the children coming into foster care have no home opened to them and nobody there to help them along the way. They will still grow up. What type of adult will they be?

I am not naive. I do not believe taking someone else’s child into my home will be easy. or always fun. or that it pays well. or that throwing another child in to the mix will not be difficult.

I am not naive. I do not believe that a child who has experienced trauma {no matter their age or the type of trauma} will come without issues, will be on a sleep schedule, will eat the meal I put in front of them, will know how to be around other children, or will not cry.

God loves every single person he has created. He wants us to love every single person he has created. Sharing our home, food, support, friendship, comfort, and laughter with others is how we can show that love. God has blessed Chris and I immensely; We want to live our lives in such a way that others can see that.


I also like the wording of James 1:27 {the same verse as pictured above} from the Message bible:

“Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world”.

Chris and I realize, just like anyone, that it is much easier to speak those words than actually perform them, but don’t let space, money, or time be the deciding factor for whether or not you foster/adopt/care for those in need; because space, money, and time will win out every single time and your answer will always be ‘no’. We are trusting God to work out the details and I know he will. We are trying to use our space and resources wisely so that we can bring  another child into our home. I don’t know yet where they might sleep, or how I will fit another carseat into my itty bitty car {Charlie’s barely fits as it is…eek!}, or if we will need another highchair, or how child care arrangements will work. But I know it will work out, because when you are loving those that God loves, He will take care of the rest. And that’s a fact, not an opinion.

We are so thankful for your support. When we do have a placement {could be next week, could be next year} I will not be able to post information or photos about that child {to protect their privacy}, but hope to keep blogging about the everyday adventures of our family as much as possible.


Did you miss me?

I’ve been a little preoccupied. Now, I don’t expect you all to sit at your computer patiently waiting for the next post on this humble blog to pop up in your newsfeed or in your inbox. So I don’t expect you to have noticed that I haven’t even posted Charlotte’s 10 month photos/update. Actually, I haven’t even taken her 10 month photos. Weeping. I’m weeping at the thought of that. It has definitely become much harder to take her photos as the months progress, and the arrival of summer has packed our schedule full of activities way more important than mini photo shoots and blogging:

  • I have been picking up a few extra days of patients at work now that my sister is home for the summer and is able to watch Charlotte. She loves spending time with her Aunt Mel and cousins.
  • Charlotte and I have also been enjoying play-dates at the aquarium, park, and the good ‘ol baby pool in the backyard.
  • Chris and I finished our resource parent {foster parent} and adoption training through the city of Virginia Beach and are now in the process of completing our home study. The process is very extensive {as I think it should be}. We met with our case worker 2 weeks ago to fill out paperwork {background checks, DMV records, and the like}. We also had to answer questionnaires and decide on the ‘parameters’ we feel comfortable accepting {for us, we only placed limits on age – birth to 3} , any race or gender is welcome in our home! Eventually we will expand the age, but our current room/bed/toy situation is perfect for a younger kiddo in need of a safe place. We went to DHS to be fingerprinted last week and met with our caseworker again to provide an extensive history {our family history, relationships, work history, education, parenting style, support systems, etc} and this week our case worker is coming by for a preliminary home inspection. Once our home study is complete our application will be put before a board for review and approval. Once we are approved we will be ready to have another kiddo in our home. It could be that same day we are approved, it could be in a week, it could be months… we will just wait.
  • I have also been planning Charlotte’s first birthday party. Talk about emotional. I probably should have done way more at this point (with a little over a month to go), but I have been in severe denial.

Stay tuned for Charlotte’s 10 month update later this week. I am PROMISING right here in written word so I had better deliver.


A quick morning update.

Here’s a brief Baker family update {and a mini photo purge} – I haven’t posted in weeks, there is so much you’ve missed.

  • Chris and I have begun taking foster parenting classes through the City of Virginia Beach. Let me answer some questions that you may have to save you from having to ask them: It will take 9 weeks to finish the classes. A home study must be completed before anyone will be placed with us. No, we don’t know if we are ready for another child to be added to the mix {who does?!}. Yes, we are freaking out about bed space, car space, and pretty much just space in general. Yes, we will have age parameters for whomever will be placed with us {3 and under}. Yes, I am terrified. Yes, we are trusting God – He is leading us down this path so we are trusting in His best judgement. I’m trying to keep my ‘thinking’ and ‘planning’ out of it because that can only screw things up. No, we are not parenting experts {as we haven’t even gotten to the tough parenting tasks with Charlotte yet}, but as long as there are children in the world who need loving, patient, kind adults in their life to live out and show Christ’s love for them then we will be obedient to what God asks of us.
  • Charlotte is now quite mobile and is crawling everywhere and pulling up to her knees. She will be 8 months on Thursday of this week so I will fill you in on her latest developmental milestones in her 8 month update post.


That’s all I have time for at the moment, I hear one little 7 month old who wants to get up and join the action.

Chris and Charlotte - hat
chris and charlotte - hat2

chris and charlotte  - hat3