Virginia is for Lovers

I saw a cute print on etsy of various states, similar to the one found here.

I thought it was super cute, but knew I could do it on my own for way cheaper.

I started with a blank canvas I got in a pack of 3 at Tuesday Morning for $5.

It took me a while to decide on my color scheme,

but I’m totally in love with the end result.

First, I painted the canvas using my background color of choice, yellow.

Once that had dried I traced the outline of Virginia from a simple printout I got from the interwebs. Sorry Eastern Shore, you didn’t make the ‘cut’.


I then proceeded to paint the inside of my tracing using my contrasting color, gray. I started on the edge and worked my way in. It took some delicate strokes to get in all those little nooks and crannies in the Chesapeake Bay area.


Once that had completely dried I used my pencil again to freehand a little heart in the bottom right hand corner of Virginia, which is where I was born and raised and continue to live.


I painted the heart red. After all, Virginia is for LOVERS!



I love it, and it cost me less than $2 since I already had the paint and I found the canvas’ for super cheap. I haven’t decided where to hang it yet, but I’m thinking among the photo frame wall in our stairwell. We shall see.

Stepping out of the boat!

So, I’m not quite sure how this happened (as is typical when God gets involved in my life) but I’m going on a missions trip. I have never been. This will be a first. It is interesting to look back on the past few years and see how God gently guided/nudged/prodded/shoved (all of them fit, actually) me through the treacherous course that is ‘life’ to the place I stand now. Chris and I have both grown a lot in our faith over the past few years, and it really has been none of our own doing. A lot of it has been the amazing small group that God has given us in our church. We love those people and through interactions and learning with them and from them Chris and I have definitely grown closer together and much closer to God.

Below is a ‘snippet’ from the letter that we are sending out to family and friends, just to give you a synopsis of what the ‘plan’ is for our trip.

‘On August 12th Ashley and I will be heading to Ensenada, Mexico for seven days with 12 other people from our church family and small group. We will be hosted by an organization called YUGO ministries (Youth Unlimited Gospel Outreach). While in Ensenada we will build a home for a family who is in desperate need for adequate shelter and our prayer is that in working alongside this family we will also have the opportunity to share God’s love and faithfulness with them through our actions and conversations.

Ashley and I have both been praying about this trip and, as this is a ‘first missions trip’ for both of us, have felt a strong urge to be obedient to Christ’s command to us in Mark 16: “Go and bring the good news to all of creation”. We know that God has plans to use us in powerful ways that we cannot even fathom at the moment. We thank you so much for already supporting us in our everyday lives…’

Basically, I believe that I have not been very obedient to God’s command in the past in regards to sharing my faith and caring for those who need it, widows and orphans.  This is my first step in changing that. I had previously turned a blind eye to the need, so that I could continue to live in my naive world. If I can’t see the problems then they don’t exist. Well, they do exist, and at some point in everyone’s life they will be judged for what they have done…or have not done.

It was difficult to write the letter (which I don’t know if you could tell was written by me, even though I weirdly referred to myself in the third person as if Chris wrote it. I decided to write the letter from Chris’ perspective (with his permission and approval, of course), seeing as he’s the man and the head of the household and such.  

Below is a video that will give you a more detailed look at the type of family we will be helping, their needs, and what we will be doing. (ps: I’ve never embedded a video into a blog post before….so sorry if it doesn’t work. I’ll try to post it again later if that is the case).


The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’.

– Matthew 25:40

a silliness break.

These are totally making me guffaw tonight and annoying my hubby who is trying to practice music for the church band on Sunday.

Disclaimer: It could be the late hour in which I am writing this, or the 4 mile run I just suffered through….or maybe a combination of both, but these might not actually be funny to anyone but me. Just a warning.

These letters are from THIS adorable Etsy shop, in case you are in a purchasing mood. 


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This concludes our break for silliness. Stay tuned next week for future silliness-breakers. Or just scroll through the post again every day this week as needed.

An anniversary party…

So my parents have been married for a measly 30 years and my siblings and I thought that was sort of something worth celebrating.

just kidding…. my parents have been married for THIRTY years.

and that is AWESOME. and that should be CELEBRATED!

So that’s what we did. I thought about having the celebration be a surprise party, but I could definitely see my mom (you remember, the new kidney wielding momma?) calling me the day-of the party to say that she wasn’t feeling her best so they wouldn’t be coming to whatever fake-distraction-event I had presented to them as a ploy.  It was actually the best decision to not surprise my parents, because in the end we decided to have it at their house.

IMG_5614 I made the banner using scrap fabric I uncovered in my newly organized craft room (more on that later)



Cornhole is a must for added entertainment.




The umbrellas and tablecloths are the same ones from our wedding (which I am still attempting to post about….it’s very overwhelming, I’m not sure where to start).IMG_5643



The favors.


Photos of my parents through the years.


I love this series of photos – the same angle of my dad holding my sister, myself, and my brother as babies, then holding my sister’s two boys the same way.

I think he might actually be wearing the same shirt in several of them.


I love my parent’s wedding photos.

It’s a good feeling to have parents who truly love each other


A memory book.




The dessert table.IMG_5657


It was great to see all of the friends and family who have supported my parents throughout their lives so far.






Like father Like daughter.

As each year passes I find myself becoming more and more like him.


Which I think is awesome.


On a separate note, I just want to take a moment right now to give a shout-out to my hubby. He (and my baby brother too, now that I come to think of it) put in so much work the day of the party and I was just a teeny bit stressed out, which I feel badly about because I’m sure I didn’t make it easy on them. They handled it like pros though.


My mom with Cathy (the awesome Kidney donor) and her husband.


Our family, minus my brother-in-law and two nephews.



The girls.

My sister and I have very different personalities and we aren’t often on the same page when it comes to most things– which I think is fairly common in siblings – but I love that somehow we managed to coordinate wardrobes for the party without even trying!


I never realized how much my brother and I look a like.

On a side note, he is about to ship off for basic training and will join the marine reserves. I’m glad he was able to be here for the party.IMG_5718

I love the twinkle lights.


All of the decor and the location made for a very romantic and relaxed party atmosphere.

It was a great night. My parents are totally worth it.

My only regret…I didn’t get a photo of the happy couple!!! grrr.