My favorites {video edition}

It’s been a rainy weekend because of Hurricane Matthew and we’ve been trapped inside because of flooding. The kids are going a little bit stir-crazy and I’ve been putting off doing anything productive in favor of doing anything fun and relaxing. So far I’ve read a thousand blog posts, pinned 50 recipes I’ll never make, changed a few diapers, fed the kids whatever they asked for, ignored 55 tantrums, and said “hands to yourself” about a trillion times. Oh, and I did get one load of laundry done and gave a bath to a certain 1 year old with a serious banana-slime issue…. so that’s something.
The best part of the day, though, was this little giggle sesh {Peep’s face blurred for privacy, but I couldn’t NOT share that giggle with you!}:
And just like the chain of events with a certain mouse and his cookies and milk, once you post a video to Youtube, you’ll probably end up watching five {or fifty} more. I just couldn’t stop the trip down memory lane!
Like this gem, in which Charlie tries to inhale a muffin. She comes by her love of bread honestly.
Or this one, that got her a little bit of fame on the internet
I’ll stop there. I want to spare you the pain of watching all my kid’s home videos. Not as bad as a long Christmas card letter or the dreaded accordion wallet photo conversation, but still up there in the ‘avoid at all costs’ column for most people. You’re welcome.
Ok, wait. Here’s one more I can’t resist because 2 month old Charlie having the sweetest little chat with mommy just melts the heart. Warning: Watching this video may cause any woman {and possibly man} to succumb to the need to snatch up the nearest baby and soak up its sweetness. I urge you to resist, especially if you are in public and have no relation whatsoever to the nearest squishy lump of love.