This week…

On Sunday we ventured to Papa and Honey’s house for a family lunch. Charlotte adores her Honey.

I attempted to snag a few shots of my sister and her troop for a possible Christmas card photo. The results were …typical – typical of any family trying to get a nice photo when there are kiddos involved. But I wouldn’t dream of tossing the ‘not so perfect’ shots because those are the ones that really capture this family in this moment of this year… and that’s the whole point of taking pictures, isn’t it?

In other big news this week: Charlotte rolled over for the first time. She’s kind of a big deal. If you missed it {like I did} then you can read about it here.

I’ve been trying to capture it on video all week but she didn’t do it again until today while we were putting clothes away in her room, so of course I didn’t have the camera with me. I’m sure she planned it that way. All week she’s been on the verge of rolling over every time I put her on her tummy. She is getting very strong.

Charlotte rocked her “I’m with the band” shirt at church on Sunday morning then jammed with some friends playing Rock Band in the afternoon. True talent, I tell yah!

{In case you’re wondering, no the entire band does not have jaundice… I’m just not talented enough with my camera to combat the effects of stage lights – they do some crazy things to focus, too. Well, at least that’s what my story is…. and I’m sticking to it}!

On Sunday evening we had a bonfire on our church property {We have several acres in Chesapeake but have not built a church facility on it yet. In the mean time we rent space from another church and use their building, but still try to enjoy the beautiful land God has given us by lighting things on fire and moving dirt around with church member’s front loaders. Tractor ride anyone?}.

Silly Charlotte, don’t you know you’re too young to play with sparklers.

roll, baby roll!

I knew it would happen sooner or later {but I was secretly hoping for later. much, much later}.

Charlotte rolled over from her tummy to her back today. She will be 3 months old on Sunday. yikes. I had it on good authority that I could expect my baby to begin developing this skill at ‘as early as 4 months’, but probably later. Lies, Baby Lies, I tell you! Charlotte is not even 3 months old – I am so not ready for this. I thought I had more time!

She has been getting really strong and pushing up onto her arms for about a week now. Then today while enjoying some tummy time the perfect combination of her pushing up on her arms, kicking her legs, her big ‘ol heavy head, and gravity resulted in her flipping right over onto her back. I didn’t think to take a picture because she started crying – I guess it startled her. It startled me too because I wasn’t even looking. {tear}. I had just snapped a few pictures of her {surprised?} and reached up to put my phone back on the table. It all happened so fast. I am very sad that I missed it but am also very happy for her and I know that there are many firsts to come {and I won’t be able to experience all of them… but at least someone will – either her daddy or her Aunt who watches her while I am at work, or maybe even Grandma and Grandpa or Papa and Honey}.

Here she is, plotting to roll over as soon as mommy reaches up to put her camera away. What a stinker!

She is napping now but I am so excited for Chris to get home tonight so we can see if she will do it again {and if I can get it on camera this time} – stay tuned!

On a sort-of-related/sort-of-not-related note: here’s a cute pic from last night’s daddy-daughter time.