Anyone have any extra hours in their day that I can borrow?

Our life is busy. A good kind of busy, I think, but ‘good busy’ still leaves you feeling like there are not enough hours in the day nor enough days in the week.

There’s just enough time left before bed, though, to post a few updates on our life right now:

– We are probably not putting our house on the market this summer. We have decided to wait and save some more. Big sigh for me, continuing to try and be content with where we are for now; though that doesn’t make my yearning for a yard and more windows go away.

– Charlotte continues to be daringly brave {and yet somehow super clingy to me at the same time, probably due to teething}. Here is a video of her bath time adventure tonight: peek-a-boo, puts her face in the water, then finds out that she has a belly button. I promise she is not bathing in a dirty tub… it’s stained! Cross my heart!

– We {meaning Chris, really} are hosting an intense study on Fridays in our home on serving and the importance of community. It is based around the book Barefoot Church by Brandon Hatmaker. I am trying hard not to fall behind on my homework for the study, but definitely being challenged!

– I am preparing for Charlotte’s family birthday party this Saturday. My mother and father-in-law are hosting it at their house and I am so thankful for their hospitality and love for Charlotte.

On the to-do list for tomorrow: Charlotte’s 11 month photos, HA!