Baxter learns to swim

Memorial day weekend we went to a good friend’s house to hang out and swim in their pool. They have a little Maltese, Buster, who is basically Baxter’s best friend (aside from Chris – he is always at Chris’ heels). Anyway, we get Buster and Baxter together for a little play-date whenever we can. IMG_5428

Baxter is an instigator and rarely gives Buster a break while we are over there. During one of their ten-thousand laps around the pool Buster seemed to zig right while Baxter, who was doing the chasing, zigged left…straight into the pool. He tried his hardest to come to a halt before he went over the edge, but it was futile and he plunged in head first. I screamed and ran over, almost jumping in to save him (with my camera around my neck).

Then I remembered he’s a dog. and that he can swim. crisis averted.


As it turns out, he’s a pro swimmer.

Sort of looks like an otter when he’s wet though.

My little otterdog.IMG_5423

Chris thought he might like a frolic in the little boat as well.IMG_5426




He endured the boat ride for .3 seconds, then did an otterdog dive back into the water.


Good dog.