If you need a smile…

pictures of kiddos are always good for warming my heart, so I thought I’d share.

I’ve been meaning to share these pictures for a long time. They have been lost in the masses of photos in my Picasa files.  Occasionally, I will just browse through the files and this kiddo always makes me smile. Hunter is the sweet little boy of one of my best friend’s, Tiffany. IMG_2643

love this monster hat.

IMG_2648He is growing so fast!


Tiffany and I met up with our friend, Devyn, for lunch today…which reminded me, once again, of all of the photos of their kiddos that I have taken but haven’t shared with them!

The only boy out to lunch with 4 girls


Maybe we should have tried to take photos at the beginning of the lunch date because by this point, they were totally over it. Well, 1 out of 3 looking at the camera is as good as it gets.IMG_4249

Haha, Tiffany, I’ll put a disclaimer in here regarding that bruise*.

*No, you do not need to call CPS for that bruise on Hunter’s cheek. Yes, he is just a less-than-one-year-old who is learning to pull up on furniture.

Can’t wait to meet Devyn’s second little kiddo, Clara, when she arrives in a few months.


I just wanna nibble on those cheeks. Love you, little man!
