Patriotism is never out of season.

These photos are actually from July 4th. I was certain I had already posted them, and would have gone on assuming I had if my mother-in-law hadn’t sworn up and down that she did NOT see the photos of Charlotte in these dresses, despite her best blog-stalking efforts.

The reason these photos are worth posting 2 months later is two-fold:

1. One more reason for Charlotte’s sweetness to ooze happiness and love into the lives of others.

2. To display the beautiful dresses made by Charlotte’s Great Grandma, Lucille Baker. All of the great grand-babies have worn one of the two. Both dresses found their way to us here though, after Charlotte was born. I couldn’t bear to choose one over the other, so naturally we had to do a little photo shoot. The timing was perfect when they finally fit her, with it being fourth of July and all. I couldn’t resist giving my girl a little flag to wave.

july 2

july 3

july 5

july 6

july 8

july 9

july 10

A big thanks to Charlie’s Aunt Leah for providing entertainment so I could actually get some shots of Charlie sitting and looking in the general direction of the camera.  If you know me at all, then you know i’m a sucker for sentiment and tradition – the dresses are now packed away for safe keeping until the next great grand-little arrives.