Play date with sweet Marley

Charlotte and I had a fun play date with my friend Sarah and her sweet daughter Marley

{who is 2 1/2 months old…. I think?!}




It was so much fun to see how Charlotte interacted with a baby who was younger than her.

She definitely took on the ‘dominant baby’ role quickly, haha.

I think she knew she had a few months on Marley and didn’t waste any time showing her who was boss.playdate12

playdate11Not in her eye, Charlotte!




Mrs. Sarah teaches classes at The Little Gym {which we are so excited to be starting next week!!!} and showed us a few moves.

crawlingholding hands




We thought it was so sweet that they were holding hands…. until this, haha.

{we’ll need to wash that hand!}playdate5

Marley is such a sweet, snuggly nugget.



I guess we wore her out.

Dear daughter,

Dear 2 month old daughter,

When you look at me and smile that gummy, toothless grin and give me a little snorty laugh it melts my heart completely and I don’t ever want that moment to end because I know that there will come a day when just the simple sight of my face won’t bring about that gleeful response. But until then I am super-mom, the most important person in your life!

…and then you turn to the pile of washcloths folded on the back of the sofa and give it that same gummy, toothless grin and a snorty laugh even greater than the one you gave me and my mommy super-powers are deflated. womp womp.

I won’t take it personally, but as your mother I should caution you about your choice of friends. I’m just sayin’.

love, mom