Child, It’s been one of those kinda afternoons. The kind when you seem to cry over everything, while at the same time being angry at everything, and I just don’t get you and I think to myself “Are you hangry? Are you tired? Is this just you and your four-ness and a reaction to your brother’s almost two-ness? Are you jealous? Are you hurting? TELL ME!”
And then I realize you ARE telling me. I may not know the exact source of your tears, but I do know you are trying to communicate a need with me and I definitely know the solution. You’re needing connection. You just don’t know how to ask for it.
So here we are. Connected until you’ve had enough. I’ll carry you until I can’t carry you anymore; then if you need it, I’ll carry you more still.
I can’t help but think of the times when I’m like my four year old. I’m feeling feels and sometimes they make me cry or rage and I can’t quite put a label on the source. But I know the solution. Connection. I’m seeking connection. With my kids, with my husband, with my friends…. any or all of those help. But running to God for that connection I’m craving is the ultimate solution. He is trustworthy. He’s solid. He knows me down to my bone marrow. He knows what I need and will provide for me beyond anything I can fathom.