Trash to treasure

Remember these fellas?

furniture for blog 002

Well, my friend Tiffany and I were driving around town when we snagged them off of the curb, about to be tossed! I think it is important to note that Tiff. was about 7 or 8 months pregnant at the time… what a true friend!

Well, it has taken me until now (um… a year later) to actually do anything with them.

Baxter, get out of the way!!



We love Pop’s

Chris and I have recently begun a Saturday morning tradition of going to a local diner, Pop’s. I am so excited for these mornings that we are able to spend together. Sometimes we bring our bibles, sometimes we bring whatever book our small-group is going through at the time (right now it is this book), sometimes we bring our my calendar and talk about what events are coming up…. but mostly we just bring our appetites. IMG_3822

There are only two locations, but if you live in Virginia Beach or Chesapeake, then you are probably only a quick 5 minute interstate trip from one – Lucky you!

Now, Pop’s is not a cute old diner with a lot of history (which I have yet to discover here in this busy, sort of dirty, city that I live in – let me know if you know of one). However, it does have its charms…and one of the best things is that it has been mostly undiscovered by ‘locals’.

(haha, I’m not sure why I don’t consider myself a local, seeing as how I was born and raised here in Hampton Roads…maybe it’s because I have always secretly wished I had grown up in a smaller town and don’t associate myself with these ‘city folks’).



A local Porsche club has also found Pop’s and deemed it their favorite meeting spot for Saturday mornings.

This is the only shot I was able to get, but the Porsches filled up this lot and the neighboring lots.


not sure if this one is a Porche…. but it certainly is cool looking

(and I certainly wouldn’t have parked it next to that van, which will most likely have kids jumping in and out of it, flinging doors open all willy-nilly)


What is your favorite local hot-spot?